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helena living


Nominate your community hero

Do you know someone who goes the extra mile in your community? Then make sure they get the recognition they deserve by nominating them for a Making a Difference Award.

Now in their 13th year, our annual event honours tenants, leaseholders and friends of Helena who selflessly dedicate time to support their neighbours and improve where they live.

Winner of last year's Green Fingers Award, Linda Dyer said: "Winning an award is just one small part, Helena's investment in local groups like Ashtons Green Allotments where I volunteer has given me a new lease of life. Opportunities such as this bring the people of Parr together, creating a strong and safe community we can all be proud to live in."

Nominations are open now and there are six categories to choose from:

Bright Young Star Award - for people under 25 who are trying to achieve better things

Together We Can Award - for community groups who are working together to achieve positive change

Green Fingers Award - for those who work tirelessly to improve the environment

Helping Hand Award - for those who provide care for others

Neighbourhood Champion Award - for those who defend and improve their community

Reaching Out Award - For those who work voluntarily for the benefit of the wider community

Graham Ellis, Neighbourhood Initiatives Officer at Helena, said: "There are so many people across St Helens who work tirelessly to improve their communities and provide opportunities for others. The Making a Difference Awards are all about celebrating their success and saying a big thank you from us."

The closing date for nominations is Friday 28th August with the winners announced at a special gala event held at Langtree Park in September.

To apply, click here and scroll to the bottom to access the nomination form, or for more information email Graham Ellis on or call 01744 417663.

13 July 2015

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Making a difference awards