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AB Electrics

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If you have any trouble using our website with certain web browsers or other software like screen readers, we want to help. As an organisation, we take web accessibility seriously and our web teams are working to ensure we comply with the Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines set out by the W3C organisation.

Customer feedback is important to us. If you discover a part of our web site that has been difficult to use, please let us know by emailing us at

Key Takes you to
hHome page
1About us
2Our developments
3Financial Advice
4Affordable Housing Options
5Contact us
aAccessibility statement
lLegal statement
sSearch page

The various web browsers have different ways of using Access keys, we've listed below some of the popular browsers and how to use the access keys with them:

  • Internet Explorer 5+ : while holding down 'Alt' select the access key and press Return
  • Internet Explorer 4 : while holding down 'Alt' select the access key to be taken directly to the page
  • Internet Explorer 5+ (Macintosh) : while holding down 'Ctrl' select the access key