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helena living

Is Helena Living for you?

Anyone applying for shared equity or shared ownership with Helena Living must:

  • Have a household income of less than £60,000 per year
  • Be a first time buyer, a joint owner needing to move due to a relationship breakdown; a current owner that needs a larger property or; an elderly owner looking to downsize (if you own a property this will need to be sold or your legal interest assigned before you can complete a purchase with Helena)
  • Or be a current housing association/ council tenant or be on a housing waiting list
  • Be able to prove hat you have savings or enough money to pay a deposit if required (this may be 5% or more of the purchase price), as well as legal fees, stamp duty and other costs of buying a home
  • Be able to afford home ownership in the longer term and secure a mortgage if needed for your purchase (applicants will need to have a good credit history)

Contact us

Interested? You can complete our online application or call to one of our sales offices where our friendly Sales Coordinator will be pleased to complete our application with you.

Waterway Park kitchen